We support underprivileged individuals and communities
BOIF implemented projects designed with the focus on the provision of humanitarian services to the vulnerable populations. This was a great period for Ben Otubo International Foundation (BOIF) being an implementing organization in Ebonyi state of Nigeria with funding from individuals and partnership with several governmental and non-governmental organizations such as Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Women Affairs, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Ebonyi State Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (EBSMEDA), Ministry of Human Capital Development and Monitoring (MHCDM) and Ebonyi State Community and Social Development Agency (EB-CSDA).

BOIF carried out her duties alongside the above-mentioned partners cordially while maintaining a clear distinct role in the interventions. The interventions were on women and children support, elderly and PWD support, mental health, climate action and justice, gender and human rights. These interventions took place in different communities in Ebonyi State and the organization on various occasions organized policymakers and stakeholder’s engagement meetings with some key partners to effect positive changes in the communities.

To fight poverty & empower the vulnerable
In line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

To train women and youths, especially in the rural areas
On practical skill acquisition programs for Wealth Creation and Sustainability

To fight the spread of HIV/AIDS and drug abuse in the society
Counsel, train and bring them back to the society as signs of hope and direction

To initiate concerted programs of anti-corruption campaign
From the National to the Local Levels for economic viability and progressive future
Your Support
You can provide support in various ways
Quick fundraising
By funding any of our projects or causes
By Donating items, medical supplies or educational materials
We need volunteers who will assist in our outreaches or projects
Ben Otubo International Foundation